Wednesday, February 18, 2009


aready in a daydream

A gate before me… i am in i already opened the door and stepped shall i never go back again. i may but i wont .

Discovery … its nothing new but for me it is, that i can live without… just without. i can live and be whatever i want ..,.

I am a branch free not attached to anything at all, i have never felt so secure, so relieved .. is that what i was lacking?

freedom.. to free myself from anything i am attached to, attached with and everything attached to me? well yes the answer is YES. i am free even from myself . can you imagine how beautiful this feels?

Many questions i wasted my life to look for their answers neglecting living in them.. experience them tasting them.. feeling them … be within, get involved .. how would i know fire burns if i didn't get close enough?

What’s life? what’s love? what’s loss? what’s hurt? what’s death?…

I don’t know the answers.. all i have are only theories , not a final conclusion to what i have been thinking about .. not a treasure to my digging deep .

Changing the deck back to where i was aiming to before i went all shipwrecked and losing direction in the sea of my raging dreams…

Compromise… life is a big compromise .. just cant have it all.. life is what we make it.. bundle of people, dreams, places and things…selected and packed in a big or small bundle called principles-of-your-own!

life is a big tree… you cant own the tree, you are just another leaf sooner or later the wind will pull you away or you will just fall off.

but this is not a final answer… this is not a final word, life is ever changing yet everything is still the same.

Will… my free will is my compass … and i am activating it to lead me to where i always wanted to be..

With or Without. I'm going…

i freed myself from all the hands that pulled me down, and all the thoughts that tore me in all directions.

i am myself again. what it takes to be me.. i am FREE


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