Thursday, January 28, 2010


Open your eyes to see...raw

a tune, a note no one ever know

In the sole and early breath of dawn

no secrets or promises kept unknown

The velvety touch of these soft pertals

in those flopping colouful wings

The fragile ray of sun,

the gentle white sand

Open your heart to feel...raw

it takes you where you dream to go

a catsle in the sky

a rolling wave crashing by

in the wonder how and why

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In a world of my own...

Nonsense!!! in my world, nothing is what it is,
things talk to me, everything, anything can be

i talk to the trees, dance with birds and bees
befriend the ocean and castle myself on its sand

my bed sails me away at night
as i fly with objects around me like a kite

in a world of my own i talk to the sun and walk with the moon
making a blanket-full of stars, mine, laying on thousands roses in colourful bloom

in my world, the walls unfold and windows expand
they make a stairway to the sky, with the touch of my hand

everything just come to live, i can hear them breath
i wear a dress made of berries and cherries and spray some flower's sneaze.

in the world that i live in, all the things that i believe
are nonesens beauty, nothing is like what it seems.

lost i am not, on a branch tree, gazing at what your eyes cant define

In the woods of my head and the magic rooms in my heart

there i stand look for me there you'll find me in a land

that is completely out of sight, and its all what i own, and its all mine.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Shallow Water...

To express whats in your head is not an easy process... Specially those nagging thoughts, notes you take in the corner of your mind, while you are having a conversation with someone, or just looking out of the window in the back seat of a car, watching the green hills kiss the sky or just observing people going through everyday life, listening to the secret soundtrack coming from the crowd, telling a story that was told maybe million times or even more. But something in that moment strikes your head, and all the tangled wires suddenly draw a beautiful picture you haven't seen before.

While we're busy looking for what we lack, we forget the magic of what we already have, trapped inside a cubical, four walls, faces and voices, speaking words you memorize by heart even before they are uttered. sometimes we need new eyes, new ears, to see and hear the beauty of the ordinary, sometimes we need to dip deeper into the well we drink from everyday, and taste a sip of water just a little slower, and feel it stream inside us quenching the inner thirst.

Theres so much beauty around us, in everyday picture, in the boring routine lies some abandoned-and-taken-for granted details.

It's a road that we all take, digging deeper into the muddy road, there we will find valuable rocks... not a promise of a diamond, all shiny and glowy, to show off or to glitter in a sunny day!, but coal, black and dull pieces of coal... to dirty your hands, to draw a portrait on a wall, to warm your bones in a cold cold winter night.. to toast you some bread , or to glow in the dark.

Inspiration, its a blessing, you never know when will it come next, you may isolate yourself, listen to a wonderful piece of music, talk to a wise man, or a funny man, crack a sudden joke, gaze at a flower, read the news, read an interesting book, watch a documentary about something u never knew what or when, or sit in your favorite place with the words trapped in your head holding a pencil or a pen, nothing comes out, the river runs dry while thoughts are floating in your mind.

You never know what might light that candle, you never know when will the rain fall so the thirsty papers drink up all the ink
It might be a star, a warm hug, a prayer, or someone who whispers softly silently to your heart, opening those gates your locked self, as you soar the skies , or some ordinary words you hear everyday. just like the live comes from the dead and the dead comes from the live, never underestimate the boring, you never know how much excitements can come out of that!

Monday, January 04, 2010



its so funny how a smell can take you back in a time machine in a split of a second, wont take you to a place back in time, but to a certain state of mind, a period of time with certain thoughts and emotions.

As i enter this shop, i call it (the garden), all these smells of fruits and flowers, it makes me feel like im in heaven wandering between trees... picking the most fresh and delicious fruits into my basket.

and even though its not a garden and what i put inside my basket are not fruits or flowers, all people around me can obviously see im in a different world. i might leave empty handed if im not entered to pick me a certain fruit, just the joy of being there, makes me happy, even to just pass by and smell their nectar.

My last visit to the garden wasn't necessarily unique, but in a certain way it was, the last thing i would have imagined that i would write about a lotion! but this is how it happened, i passed by through the shelves looking for the happy satsuma fruit, the perfect aroma of tangerine, i got hit by that tree, a tree, pause, Oh i haven't used that for quite sometime, leaned closer and sniffed the fruit, and time took me back three years, people, feelings, places.. just another world than the one i was in that moment or for the past three years..
pause, back in time, just a glimpse of how i used to be at, people i miss, places i miss, they live in me, i smiled, just how this wasn't prepared for, i never forgot who i am i leaned back and marched with steady steps to my wonderful satsuma tree..
as i stretched my hands to pick it up into my basket, it felt like im picking the crops of my own planting, oh is it by birthday already?! is it my harvest time? i gazed at the tree isn't life a tree? we're trees too, just like seeds in the muddy soil, we're born, to branch and fruit..
the tree in me grew, i grew happier, healthier, merrier but i am still myself. the same tree,
looking back to where i was and looking back to where i am, and i wonder how i made it so far, the journey is beautiful with its ups and downs, and i don't regret a thing. a smile was planted on my face, and i look in the mirror of my soul and i can see me blossom.
blossoming inside out, the insider part of me is nourishing opening up to the world, Oh how i made it so far is a long journey, yet its so clear to me the difference in the world. something is beautiful in everything around, a thousand beautiful things..
No man is an island,.. for those hands that took care of me, watered me, put me where the sun shines, lead me to where the light is, i wouldn't have made it without you, thank you might not be enough...but it's all i have got from words. simple?, yes! over used? maybe!. but sincere :)
