Thursday, July 30, 2009

In a Mermaid phase

will it be so funny for me to post a cartoon song?, specially Disney princess story, but regardless of who's story is this. it seems to say something about me...
the thrill to be, the rebellious part of me to break free of whats around and just be whoever i want.

Every single word of this song, just translate what i have been feeling inside, something inside me wants to break free, from the deep sea, and be part of the world.. walk, run, wander on the shore..DANCE ..

Up where they walk, up where they run,
Up where they could stay all day in the sun..

It might be the mermaid inside me who is ready to get to the surface , or maybe in my old life i was a mermaid..!! either ways. this song tells it all.

Part Of Your World, the Arabic version

and for those who likes it in English.. there you go

Monday, July 27, 2009


"pain leads to isolation" i heard it on a TV commercial about a headache pill such a true statement , yet so intelligent. don't we all have this sense of isolation inside us?

As we all carry all positive and negative feelings inside us, we experience them in different percentages in one or all phases that we go through.

comes with a lot of uniqueness and difference of ones self , it starts with standing your own ground and having your say, drawing your own dreams and it ends with doing things your way. individuality comes with a lot of responsibility, and its always attached to freedom, and free will. each one of us is individually different yet not every individual is independent.

and to make my point clear Independence wont lead you to isolation but it may come with a high price, that's according to your individuality, weather you are a dependent person or Independence person, weather you are a leader or a follower. that means that individuality is associated to Independence but not limited to it.

so what leads to isolation?.. i am talking about inner isolation, feeling alienated for the big part i would say its individuality, the unique person you are, your own thoughts and believes, that may go along or stray from everyone around you.
in your country, neighbourhood, family, circle of friends there are common things that you would share.. common language for example, cultural habits
yet expressing yourself and they way you practice those habit or might not do, would make you feel isolated..
its such a terrible feeling, that you would use the same phrases and same letters but u cant make one simple thought clear to others. you are basically on a difference state.. you are not on the same boat you are there ALONE.

deserted on an island, that is your inner self, having no one to understand or accept this crazy and different head and heart of yours.
there's no one to blame for your own individuality, for being yourself!

people get scared of what they don't know, and sometimes going against the wind is something they are not familiar with, it makes them scared because it threatenes their OWN individuality, fearing that it would affect their free will, then the blame starts, and the pointing fingers appear to be directed your way. its then when you reach for this island inside you , that place you go to and know there's no one there to understand or share your points of view nor see things the way you do

even if being different is well accepted it wont take this island inside wont release you from the cell you found yourself in.
no matter who you are surrounded by you loneliness starts to grow uncontrollably.
and no matter how well accepted still you would have this "virgin state of mind" as your everyday status.

and in my individual way, i would say that, isolation leads to pain to a different headache , that i wish a pill can cure.
