Saturday, May 08, 2010

things i dont like

1-being lied to


3-words that have other than one meaning.

4-being a fool.

5-feeling left alone

6-sitting in silence for a long time

7-the sound of the clocks at night

8-being misunderstood

9-anything mean or evil, actions or words

10-being caged

11-breaking promises

12-people who say good things they dont really mean

13-unkindness, rulity, ruthless behaviour

14-being compared to someone else

15-feeling/ being told im not good enough

16-being not accepted as i am

17-feeling that im not heard

18-laughing at/mocking other people (hurting their feelings)

19-waiting for results

20-missing a prayer

21-being told what i do is not enough

22-distructive advices

23-creticized for who i am

24-people i love out of reach

25-fake compliments

26-dual faces


28-people abuse the trust u give them

29-hurting animals

30turning down someone who needs help

31-feeling guilty

32-those who dont believe in me and give up on me fast

33-my pms's

34-when the night goes too fast

35-time to go when im with ppl i love


37-being afraid

38-being sick and feeling helpless and week

40-eating alone in my lunch break

41-someone taking advantage of my kindness

42-staying indoors for a long long long time

43-darkness when no one is there with me

44-loud voices-screaming-shouting

45-rude behaviour


47-going to the movies at day time coming out at evening time

48-cooking only for myself

49-cheap magazines-news papers

50-unablity to express myself
51- when i dont undersand whats happening around me
52-being the last to know
53-when someone treats me like a child
54-being uninvited
55-having this itchy throght and teary eyes and i am smiling because i dont want anyone to see
56-bad smell
58-being stuck at home when i need to go out
59-feeling bored
60-someone is bored and i cant make them happy

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