Monday, January 04, 2010



its so funny how a smell can take you back in a time machine in a split of a second, wont take you to a place back in time, but to a certain state of mind, a period of time with certain thoughts and emotions.

As i enter this shop, i call it (the garden), all these smells of fruits and flowers, it makes me feel like im in heaven wandering between trees... picking the most fresh and delicious fruits into my basket.

and even though its not a garden and what i put inside my basket are not fruits or flowers, all people around me can obviously see im in a different world. i might leave empty handed if im not entered to pick me a certain fruit, just the joy of being there, makes me happy, even to just pass by and smell their nectar.

My last visit to the garden wasn't necessarily unique, but in a certain way it was, the last thing i would have imagined that i would write about a lotion! but this is how it happened, i passed by through the shelves looking for the happy satsuma fruit, the perfect aroma of tangerine, i got hit by that tree, a tree, pause, Oh i haven't used that for quite sometime, leaned closer and sniffed the fruit, and time took me back three years, people, feelings, places.. just another world than the one i was in that moment or for the past three years..
pause, back in time, just a glimpse of how i used to be at, people i miss, places i miss, they live in me, i smiled, just how this wasn't prepared for, i never forgot who i am i leaned back and marched with steady steps to my wonderful satsuma tree..
as i stretched my hands to pick it up into my basket, it felt like im picking the crops of my own planting, oh is it by birthday already?! is it my harvest time? i gazed at the tree isn't life a tree? we're trees too, just like seeds in the muddy soil, we're born, to branch and fruit..
the tree in me grew, i grew happier, healthier, merrier but i am still myself. the same tree,
looking back to where i was and looking back to where i am, and i wonder how i made it so far, the journey is beautiful with its ups and downs, and i don't regret a thing. a smile was planted on my face, and i look in the mirror of my soul and i can see me blossom.
blossoming inside out, the insider part of me is nourishing opening up to the world, Oh how i made it so far is a long journey, yet its so clear to me the difference in the world. something is beautiful in everything around, a thousand beautiful things..
No man is an island,.. for those hands that took care of me, watered me, put me where the sun shines, lead me to where the light is, i wouldn't have made it without you, thank you might not be enough...but it's all i have got from words. simple?, yes! over used? maybe!. but sincere :)


Anonymous said...

well.. that's a really beautiful piece.. i think the only chance for this world, to tranform to a better place, is in the hands of people like you.. people who can truely understand the journey of a human spirit, and its infinite value..
you're beautiful and
thank you..

Anonymous said...

wonderful layout btw ;)
