Sunday, September 13, 2009


God.. O'Allah, in the name of you the most gracious and most merciful..

i ask you by your name The Patient, The Timeless, to grant me patience, i ask you by your name The Wise to grant me impulsive frustration is snaking around me poisoning the good part inside i just cant hold it back anymore ..

far away, away from your path , how i feel so lost and disoriented, cant find a place to lay my troubles on to lay my mistakes, my secrets, my dreams, my plans for tomorrow, my fears, my memories my tears who will i turn to but you, Allah?! for you are ,The Guide.

i turn to you, with every single part of me , i turn to you Allah , i who have nothing in this world, this world that lies in your hand,i who is nothing in this whole universe that goes under your commands,
i am turning to you, with my plead to grant me the righteous in this world, this world of injustice, a world that has flipped all meaning up-side down, for you are The Utterly Just, The Judge, The Arbitrator.

God, i know i am not always good but i do try, and i have nothing i can say i am proud of but being your servant...God, how so weak and small i feel towards your highness for you are The Magnificent, The Infinite.

God, grant me knowledge to sweep away my ignorance for you are The All Aware , grant me strength to stand up for the hardship of life for you are, The Firm, The Steadfast.
God, grant me health to worship you for you are The Strong, grant me a good heart to forgive and be kind for you are The Gentle, The Subtly Kind.
God, grant me peace to give it to those who seek it for you are The All Beneficent, The Most Merciful in Essence, The Compassionate, The Most Gracious,.
God, grant me love, to love you, to love everyone and everything in your sake. in your sake alone, for you are The One Who Loves His Believing Slaves and His Believing Slaves Love Him.

lead me to your light, to your truth, to your path to your forgiveness , to your paradise for you are, The One Who Creates the Light of Belief in the Hearts of All the Believers.

God, when they ask me who do you love the most, i smile and merrily say, Allah! just like a kid, they laugh and think i want to keep the answer to myself, but how can i keep all this love within myself, i cant hide it anymore.
God, words fail me, for i cant express whats in my heart anymore, and who will know whats inside me but you, The All Knowing, The Omniscient.
God i have nothing to say but forgive me for everything, even if i don't deserve it, for i know you are The All Forgiving.

O Allah, I invoke You with all of Your Beautiful Names bless us,forgive us and have mercy on us , to send your peace upon your prophet Muhammad, and his family , his companions, and his followers, and on all of the beings in the universe, dead and alive AMIN.

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