Saturday, May 30, 2009

You can walk!

One may not know why certain things are thrown at him/her, there's always a higher wisdom to everything that happen to us.. but i didn't think this way when that boy came to our house specially when his parents left and he started to cry like a siren non-stop, i sympathized with him so i tried to hold him... it was funny the way he rushed to me and stopped crying that same moment ... since then he became my favorite, oh well let me rephrase that, he made me, make him my favorite!

very sooner that i have come to discover that he couldn't walk yet! his parents might have spoiled him a little bit too much when they allowed him every time to be lifted up when he wanted to this little sad puppy face can get you easily, even though his tears broke my heart but hes gotta do what a baby gotta do. Its time for him to walk, this i decided!

and as i look at him and wonder, about those powers that we have things that we take for granted, simple things we are born with and born to do, things that are built in our systems, like walking, expressing our needs/feelings, comprehending a foreign language and learning how to speak it some of the first lessons that we learn in life.
i didn't realize before that i would see all those powers in a one year old baby, how he fails and tries one more, how he wouldn't understand what is said to him but would try to express himself with the little baby knowledge that he has, his ability to learn something new everyday, a color, a shape, a sound, a taste a word..
its amazing

i look at myself, how big i am now and i look at the difficulties in my life from a different angle and say, "those are just a baby problems" i am nothing but a bigger version of him as well as my obstacles , there are so a lot in a human being we can over come anything, we can achieve anything. only if wanted, and tried!

we have to work to get those powers inside out, things we don't pay attention to, things we take for granted as long as we are alive, everyday is a new day to learn a new lesson a new skill a new language .. a new day to taste failure to learn how to succeed, a new day to get a scar to know how to heal, a new day to break and learn how to fix, or a new day to get lost to know how to find your way back.. a new day to lose to know how to win
a new day to fall.. to learn how to stand on your feet again... and WALK.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Truth.. may you rest forever in peace

I'm not trying hard to focus on what i am gonna say... not out of curiosity but I'm setting my thoughts free , i am opening the gate to the caged water and the flood is crashing in.

A quote that i just have read , explains the way i fee, neither i want to share what i feel nor what the quote says.

someone out there might be offended , it seems that lately i am getting in EverReady's nerve weather i am talking saying what i think or feel or weather i am deadly silent mad about something or just don't have something to say..
i am the change i wish to see in the world..(but hey that's a different quote)... i don't only speak the truth but i am being truthful. do you think this done me any well?... truth is like a knife cutting the bad part of the apple and leaving the good, and i realized the more i seek it the more i realized all the apples i have in the basket are rotten!.

sad but true!.. its the truth.

and its painful, yes its hard for me to accept it but i have to,its painful but i have to handle it because that's what i wanted is to have my eyes opened to the truth and it is wide open now , so what am i going to do?..
ill sit and watch the actors of the play fall one by one, like leaves off the tree
or maybe ill go myself pick them all up and trash them out.
time tells , and the time is now and i hear what it says...
still this part of me keep hurting, give it another chance, another shot.. don't give up
once a wise girl said..."i don know about giving up but there are times to move on"... but the wise girl didn't explain how to know how to differ when to try harder or when to pass on?.. when you are short of breath thirsty to death on a desert place and cant see a well or any water surface , not even a mirage or an illusion will you give it another try?..

truth is not relative.. Truth can not be colored the way we want it to be, truth is one. one size fits all.. but not all of us like to wear it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Prayer to the sleepy soul of mine


i Will smile from my heart and say..
Th's is what i came to accomplish
this is all what i want from life
someday .. i will be able to fly
and reach a real place i call my own
and leave all the fake nests
i made a frail home for myself
someday.. my tears will stop to roll down
and will start living the life i always wanted
someday i will get what i deserve
and all the joy will replace all the pain
someday ill love and be loved
without borderlines of distance or mind
someday not far from now
one day i will be happy and look back
and this will be in the past
someday i will feel content
someday i will make things right
someday ...
i will start living.

without fear or doubt
without disappointing me or others
without hurting the soul that soars inside me
someday feel misery
and the world will smile for me
someday i will believe again
someday everything will fall into place
and i will say
finally .. its all right
i will no longer stray

the sun will shine
the birds will sing
someday.. someday
