Sunday, November 26, 2006

"Beauty" in a recycled notebook

I enterd one of the everything for 2.50 L.E., stores to get me some pins, though i never liked these kinds of stores becasue of all the corny stuff they have, and the gatherd people on one item they dont need to buy they just check it and block your way to move in that tiny store that barly fits the goodies in such small space.

"there's always a beautiful something in everything that is ugly", i believe in this statment of mine, tho i dont believe in ugliness, but thats not the point.. so i entred the store to look get me some pins and some ballons for my brothers, as i was moving around in bordom trying to check with my eye all these colors in plastic bags stuffed within the shelves. as i wanderd and wanderd i saw a stand full of booknotes, i have this weekness for these kinds of stuff, so as i was taking a glimmpse of whats in there i knew there would be nothing really worth to buy in 2.50 store especially when it comes to notebooks i care so much about material, so my eye cought a brown something it was a notebook but it looked like one i had from the USA a recycled one its my favourite note of all, i never thought i would find one here actually, my hands rushed to grab one as i was cheking it, i knew it was the same recycled material and inside the papers are so nice and have some colored images on the edges.

On the cover there is some printed friuts, each notebook has a different fruit printed on its cover, i liked the strawberry and i was amazd that it smells like strawberry too and there was another one with lemmon printed on it, it wasn't the smell or the furit that made me choose the lemmon one but what was written on it woken something up inside me, it was very simple "message" or as i think it was. On the cover there's written these words..

"keep a special notebook,
every night before going to bed,
make a note of something beautiful that you saw during the day"

inspired by these simple yet powerful words, i am writting here about the beautiful recycled notebook i saw today. and im going to keep it up everyday , and right here something beautiful i saw during the day.

Monday, August 14, 2006

We & Me

Do you want me to inroduce you, to "you", yeah i know , we both know eachother quite well, so why dont we for once combine and say something good, though we know we are like Day and Night, they never meet, but hy dont we creat a middle path, like Sunset and Sunrise, a moment to merge together, to try understanding eachother's differences
you want the good, but i want what my heart's desires .You keep shouting in my ears, but i never listen, i guess it all was my fault, Well... Now hush, dont say a word, i know what you want to say i hear you from within , you want to say that we finally came this far, this point of trying to understand eachother, and somehow find a way both of us can take a break from nagging and trying to prove that each side of Us is true.
Dear Us,
this is the moment when Two, become One, we are not lovers, we are maybe the best enemies BUT not anymore.
Now, we dont care what will happen when we once again wake up in life's chaos when each side of us trying to pull the rope aginst the other's side.
Might we rest in peace!!, Just excuse us for one moment of holding hands for the two extreems blend and give up selfish needs.
just excuse us for a period that belings of us, for a blink of an eye, that will always remain like an everlasting eternety that will last till eterney , for we surely know we will not last till forever , this step we took is a folded page of the past .
So, Shall we introduce US to YOU
I Am: your pride
& I Am: your senses
And both of us is:

Saturday, July 01, 2006


When I was young they used to tell me
Don't u question too much
There so much in life, bigger than it seems
Fine if u wonder but don't get drifted
Things are not that easy
Someday like this flower u'll grow
And all the things that tickle u,
They will all be tickled by you
I ve folded the dream within me
I knew there was so much more to hit me
Time and time I waited, for this body to stretch
Just another little taller, one more inch
But the dream was still folded,
Frozen as it is, it never grew
In front of my eyes only images got smaller
But never clearer, in fact they began to grey
Does things became less real
Or were they all tricking me
Simple facts got more complicated
I don't know even who I am and what I can be
Still unanswered questions have been dried and welt
A lost dream, forgotten, with the child I used resample
Didn't they have answers why do we cry?
Didn't they know how people don't fly?
Or was they an older version of me
They ve not been told
Why they have to do what they do
Should I have some answers?
Or should I fake ones?
What am going to say?
When I am asked by little ones?
May I invent my own principles and alibis?
The answers are out there, it's so simple
But then who knows
I almost can see it
But I can't put my finger on it
No one can deny
U felt it too, u know it's true
Go back in time when u only knew
How to differ good form bad so easy
And tricky temptations won't get its way with u
Those times when u wanted to do what u wanted to
No body mattered then, neither the circumstance
U have been there, u ve seen, and u ve conquered
In mind and heart u seized every chance
Grounded in Ur closet, or banned from play
Did it stop u saying what u wanted to say?
It's too late, now look in the mirror and laugh
Time came by now they call u a man
Not sure if u really can
Or do u really understand
This suit that is sewed with questions
Fitting well on Ur shape... Dressing u
With a tie, suffocating u from breathing
In each one of us there's something
Something to wake you up from your sleep
"How ve you been coping all that long without a meaning"
A meaning you knew once was there, in your mind
When puzzle was pieces in a box
A game u had as a child
How come tables turned? Slowly but surly upside down
You became yourself a lost piece of puzzle, a different kind
That’s when it's put all together
, the image some how makes sense
Like thousand stars, far from each other
, glowing in the dark
It's who I am and who we all are
, not different from the others
Just another big, question mark.
